
Monday, September 12, 2011

Using QR Codes

It seems that everywhere we look these days, there are QR codes!  These small codes can link you to a website, text, video, and more.  We had fun using them, and our itouches, in science last week! 

The students read clues about science tools and made a prediction as to what the names were.  After they predicted, they used the QR code reader app, NeoReader, to scan the codes on the actual science tools.  They could then self-assess and write the actual names of the science tools in their journals.  This was a fun, interactive way to learn the names of several of the tools we will use this year. 

Parents:  NeoReader is a great FREE QR Code Reader to download if you do not already have one.

Students:  Leave a comment! 
Did you like using the itouches to scan the codes?  Where else have you seen QR codes at home? 

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